Conny Mother is A titan?

So finally search team get to visit the Conny family village and the important thing is that there are no casualties. There is no one dead. What I am amazed how that can be an even character in the anime are amazed that it is not possible once Titan visits anything there always a blood bath how that is happening. Conny being attached to family sees a Titan in his house. He immediately assumes that his family is dead since the Titan is covering most part of the house. But they immediately find out about that titan hands and foots are too small to carry Titan. But .................... how can there be no casualties where all the villagers.

the other scout team assures Connie that all must have evacuated that is where there are no casualties. As they are moving out of there to go another point. The titan says to Connie welcome back. Conny stands there in shock. How can a Titan speak? He immediately tells that to repair. But he denies that there is no such possibility.
But Conny new in that moment something was odd. there was something off about that titan, he definitely heard the voice of the Titans. So Does this means Conny Mother is that Titan? I can't wait to watch other episodes to find out.


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